The perfect waterfront location for your business.

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We’re home to the following notable offices and cultural spaces…

  • Gimli International Film Fest

    The GIFF office is located in the Waterfront Centre. GIFF hosts an annual film festival in July at several venues throughout Gimli, including the famous outdoor screen location on Gimli Beach where you can enjoy classic movies under the stars.

  • New Iceland Heritage Museum

    The New Iceland Heritage Museum (NIHM) greets visitors from around the world year round, seven days a week, at its main multi-media location in the The Waterfront Centre. The museum is also home to the Viking Purse Gift Shop.

  • Icelandic Festival Office and Gift Shop

    The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba "Islendingadagurinn" Office and Gift Shop is located in the Waterfront Centre. The festival is held annually on the August long weekend and is one of the oldest continuous ethnic festival in North America.

Waterfront Centre Offices: